Saturday, June 5, 2010

Source for Paper C

Argument: What are the consequences of eating breakfast on weight loss?

Eating breakfast will result in an increased ability to lose weight

Because by eating something in the morning, it helps to jump start your metabolism and supplies glucose to the brain and nervous system so they are better able to function.

The target audience for this article is adults who usually skip breakfast because they are in a hurry, too lazy or would rather sleep an extra few minutes. They are also worried about losing weight and figure that skipping breakfast is the best way to lose weight because they are not putting any calories into their body.

The Goal of this article is to convince the audience that eating breakfast is a much better option than skipping, especially when it comes to losing weight. It also provides different breakfast options that are low in calories and easy to prepare to show that breakfast doesn’t have to be a big to-do.

This article begins by appealing to the logos of the audience. It simply states the facts about what happens in your body when you don’t eat breakfast. It is like your body is running on empty which means your brain and nervous system can’t function as well. It also points out that not eating in the morning tends to lead to overeating later in the day which will lead to greater weight gain. One area in which this article is lacking is sufficiency. It is not very long and it jumps from one subject to another without really discussing them in more depth. I was very interested in the part about glucose as the brain’s fuel, but then all of a sudden it jumped right in to ideas for more healthy breakfasts.

This article was initially effective in luring in the audience to make them want to read the article. It also provided great arguments in the beginning for why you should eat breakfast instead of skipping it if you want to lose weight. However, upon further examination of the article I found that it did not provide an adequate amount of information and left the audience with many questions that were not answered.

Word Count: 367